HDG Srila Prabhupada
Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur

Gaura - Krishna - Nama - Datam- Kirtananda - Vardhanam |
Bahir - Mukha - Jiva - Tratam - Vande - Saraswati - Prabhum ||

HDG Srila Prabhupada
Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur

HDG Srila Prabhupada Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur HDG Srila Prabhupada Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur

Gaura - Krishna - Nama - Datam- Kirtananda - Vardhanam |
Bahir - Mukha - Jiva - Tratam - Vande - Saraswati - Prabhum ||

Who is Prabhupada?

       Literally, the word “Prabhupada” can be divided into two parts: “Prabhu,” means “Lord” and “Pada” means “Feet”. In order to honor the Lord’s feet, the ornamental words, “Lotus” are used in glorification. In the Vaishnava tradition, devotees describe the feet of Lord and as “Lotus – Feet.” Groups of different faiths use the word “Prabhu” to refer to their object of faith and amongst the Gaudiya Vaishnava devotees, the use of “Prabhu” is to indicate Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. To Gaudiya Vaishnava devotees, the inner meaning of “Prabhupada” exemplifies the manner in which the loving message of Mahaprabhu is carried out, as another meaning of the title refers to one who is fully surrendered to spreading the loving message of Sriman Mahaprabhu with Integrity.

Identification of Gaudiya Math

Explanation of the Gaudiya Math Logo

*Bhagavat Marga (the path of devotion centered on sravana and kirtana, culminating in spontaneous devotion, Raga bhakti and pancharatik marg).
*Pancharatrik Marg –
The path of bhakti according to scriptually prescribed regulations ie. Bidhi marg, centered on archan.
*Archan Marg – Function in side by side.

The words wore were written in either in Sanskrit Devnagari or in Bangali script.

*Right side – Represents Bhagavata or Raganuga marg
*Left side –  Represents Pancharatrik or Vidhi Marg.
*Top segment –  Lord Chaitanya with his hand upraised, encouraging everyone to join kirtana.
*Left side – Srimad Bhagavatam.
*Below – Stands Sri Radha Krishna and the word Raga, signifying raga marga.
*Beneath – A printing press, a Mridanga and the word Kirtanam. – Signifying that by chanting the names of Lord Krishna along with playing Mridanga are forms of Kistana. This combination is the chief sadhana for Raganuga Bhaktas.
*Bottom – A Tilak symbol and the word “Guru and Gaudiya”
*Left side –  A a bell and the word “Archana” and a ghee lamp.
*Above – Sri Lakshmi Narayan upon a throne and the word Vidhi, indicating the mode for worshipping them.
*Over them – Pancharatram, which describes the process of Archan.
*Six Triangles – Forming a star is the centre aare the words denoting six prominent opulences  of the Supreme Lord.
Yasha(fame), Sri(beauty), Gyanam(knowledge), Vairagyam(renuciation), Aishvaryah(wealth), Viryah(strength).
*Centre – At the centre of the star “OMM – Nama”.
   Omm is generally taken as the non specific sound representation of the absolute truth. It is understoon by Vaishnavas to be Bhagaban and his internal potency.
  Nama- Is the name of the absolute truth Supreme Lord Krishna, and the six opulence is non different from him.

 A Local Pandit asked Srila Prabhupad – All the depictions are traditionally Indian, except the printing press(in those days printing press came from German). Why have you kept this foreign item there ?
Srila Prabhupada Answered – “Anything used for the Lord Chaitanya’s kirtan is neither foreign nor Indian, but aprakrita. When used used in Krishna’s service, the press is as sacred as the arati paraphernalia(extremely pure) as the Khol and Kartals

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