Importance of wearing Tulsi Neck Beads
Know the importance of wearing tulasi neck beads, in this kariyuga (Iron Age)
Know the importance of wearing tulasi neck beads, in this kariyuga (Iron Age)
PURUSHOTTAMA VRAT Krishna Purushottama Masa: The Extra Month, we call Purushottama month the ‘adhik-mäsa’(extra month). It is also called, ‘mala-mäsa’, which means dirty or useless month. In India, the sädhus (holy persons), sädhakas (spiritual practitioners), and pious people of all sampradäyas (lineages) observe this month with due care. All are observing and engaging in…
Power of Tilaka The meaning of putting Tilaka is to go upwards or make advancement in spiritual life. After becoming purified through a purificatory process, a living entity accepts proper renunciation from his family life. But until he decorates his body with the marks of Tilaka, he does not get any result from undergoing the…
Competitive Spirit If we study the example set by all our previous acharyas, we will find that competition is not a religious principle. Nowadays, however, we see that in the Vaishnava Sampradaya, especially the Sri Brahma Madhva Gaudiya Saraswata Sampradaya, almost all societies, and acharyas are trying to show that they are better than the…
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