Lord Jagannath’s Ratha Yatra

Lord Jagannath’s Ratha Yatra

Lord Jagannath’s Ratha Yatra When Lord Krishna became overwhelmed with ecstatic love upon hearing the glories of His devotees, His body transformed into the form of Lord Jagannath. Lord Jagannath represents Krishna’s ‘golita’, or ‘molten love’ form. Sri Jagannath Dev’s Ratha Yatra festival is a very significant festival for us all. We attend this festival…

Power of Tilaka

Power of Tilaka

Power of Tilaka The meaning of putting Tilaka is to go upwards or make advancement in spiritual life. After becoming purified through a purificatory process, a living entity accepts proper renunciation from his family life. But until he decorates his body with the marks of Tilaka, he does not get any result from undergoing the…

Haridas Nirjan

Haridas Nirjan

Haridas Thakur’s Divine Disappearance Srila Haridas Thakur appeared in this world in the village of Budhan, in the present district of Sat-Kira, which was previously a subdivision of Khulna, Bangladesh. He was born in 1450 A.D. And his parents named him Mohammed Sikander Khan. He renounced family life at a young age and converted to…

Competitive Spirit

Competitive Spirit

Competitive Spirit If we study the example set by all our previous acharyas, we will find that competition is not a religious principle. Nowadays, however, we see that in the Vaishnava Sampradaya, especially the Sri Brahma Madhva Gaudiya Saraswata Sampradaya, almost all societies, and acharyas are trying to show that they are better than the…

Surrender to Krishna Gives Life

Surrender to Krishna Gives Life

Surrender to Krishna Gives Life In the Bhagavad-Gita (18.66), Sri Krishna told Arjuna, “Abandon all varieties of religion (sarva-dharman) and take exclusive shelter of Me. I shall deliver you from the reactions of your sinful activities. Do not fear.” sarva-dharman indicates “all kinds of religious attitudes.” This means that we must without hesitation reject all…

Experiencing Vipralambha – True Separation of Divine Love

Experiencing Vipralambha – True Separation of Divine Love

Vipralambha – True Separation of Divine Love According to the revealed scriptures, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, is eternal and His pure devotees are also eternal. But the question arises that how can the pure devotees who are in a material body be eternal? Since we all know that this material body…