New Year Message 2023

New Year Message 2023

English Bengali New Year Message 2023 Today is the Western New Year, marking the 2023rd appearance anniversary of Jesus Christ. This is a blissful day for the followers of Jesus Christ.  We are observing this New Year by remembering God. Jesus Christ used to address the Supreme Personality as GOD – having formed the word…

Benefits of Serving the Vaishnavas

Benefits of Serving the Vaishnavas

English Russian Benefits of Serving the Vaishnavas at Mayapur, Navadwip Dham According to the description of Sri Navadwip Dham (found in the book Navadwip Mahatmya – The glories of the Holy Navadwip Dham), composed by His Divine Grace Srila Sachidananda Bhaktivinode Thakur, we know the benefits of associating with Navadwip Dham on different levels. The…



English Russian LORD CHAITANYA’S MISSION TO LOVE, NOT TO HATE Spiritual Practice (Vaishnava Dharma) is based on respect, compassion, humility, tolerance, mercy, and awareness of all living entities – all needed in this age of deception (Kali Yuga) so that we can chant His Holy Name Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama…

Lord Jagannath’s Ratha Yatra

Lord Jagannath’s Ratha Yatra

Lord Jagannath’s Ratha Yatra When Lord Krishna became overwhelmed with ecstatic love upon hearing the glories of His devotees, His body transformed into the form of Lord Jagannath. Lord Jagannath represents Krishna’s ‘golita’, or ‘molten love’ form. Sri Jagannath Dev’s Ratha Yatra festival is a very significant festival for us all. We attend this festival…

Gaura Purnima Invitation 2022

Gaura Purnima Invitation 2022

ALL GLORIES TO SRI GURU, SARASWATA GAUDIYA VAISNAVAS AND SRI GAURANGA Dear Devotees, Friends, and Well-Wishers! All glories to His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur Prabhupada and Guru – Parampara (disciplic succession). Please accept the blessings of my beloved Srila Gurudev, His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Pramode Puri Goswami Thakur, and convey…

Supreme Spiritual Treasure – Devotion

Supreme Spiritual Treasure – Devotion

English Bengali Hindi The one and only path towards attaining the Supreme Spiritual Treasure – Devotion   Sri Gurupadapadma Nitya-lila-pravista Om Visnupada 108 Sri Srimad Bhakti Pramode Puri Goswami Thakur would often quote the words from Srimad Bhagavatam spoken by the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna : karmaṇā jāyate jantuḥ , karmaṇaiva pralīyatesukhaṁ duḥkhaṁ bhayaṁ kṣemaṁ,…

Homage to HDG A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Homage to HDG A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

English Hindi Homage to HDG A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the founder Acharya of ISKCON is a prominent figure in the history of Gaudiya Vaishnavism in disseminating the loving mission of Lord Chaitanya all over the world. It was his Gurudeva, HDG Srila Prabhupada Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakura, the…

Performing the role in Play of Krishna

Performing the role in Play of Krishna

English French Hindi Odia Performing the role in Play of Krishna All Glories to Sri Brahma Madhva Gaudiyä Säraswata Sampradaya (lineage). All Glories to my Grand Spiritual Master His Divine Grace Srila PRABHUPÄDA Bhakti Siddhänta Saraswati Goswämi Thäkur & my beloved Spiritual Master His Divine Grace Srilä Bhakti Pramode Puri Goswämi Thäkur. Supreme Lord Kåñëa…